Endorsed by leaders at the level of Prime Minister, Top CEOs, Entrepreneurs, and Professors.
“New Book Reveals First-Class Leadership Qualities,
Attitudes and Principles
How Highly Effective Teams Can Achieve Breakthrough Results”
Early birds reviewed the First-Class Leadership book with an average score of 9,2 out 10 or higher
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From The Desk Of Hamid Safaei
Amsterdam – Europe
Dear Friend,
If you want to grow to your ultimate level of leadership, this is going to be the most important book you’ll ever read.
But First, Read This Disclaimer:
Please understand that my results are not typical. I am not implying that you will replicate them (or anything of the sort).
The average person who buys any ‘how to’ information gets little or no results. I’m using these references for illustration purposes only.
Your results will vary and depend on many factors …including but not limited to your mastery of leadership qualities, principles, and attitudes as outlined in the book.
It is impossible to grow to the next level overnight. All business entails certain risks as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you’re not willing to accept this, please DO NOT GET THIS BOOK.
With that said … let me jump right in and show you…
Exactly What You’re Getting
First of all, this isn’t like any other leadership book you have ever read before. It doesn’t contain any fluff or filler – just battle-tested timeless principles and strategies that have worked over and over again and are highly effective.
On top of that, the book is easy to read!
And It’s About MORE Than Just Leadership.
That’s because you can use the same algorithms in this book to grow all kinds of businesses to the next level.
For example, I’ve used the same algorithms to connect and work with world leaders and Global Fortune 500 CEOs.
An energy company recently used the strategies described in the book to turn things around. They said: “From worrying about sales, we are having to worry about making sure we can deliver on time, because demand has gone up so much”.
I sent a copy of my First-Class Leadership book to three professors of a highly reputable university. A few weeks later they asked me: “Would you be willing to work with us to design a leadership development program for our alumni students?”
Prof. Dr. Balkenende, a former Prime Minister of the Netherlands (2002-2010) said: “First-Class leadership is relevant more than ever before…”
A Global Fortune 500 CEO said: “ Beautiful book, passionate author with conviction through head and heart!”
A well-known international celebrity said: “This is where the rubber hits the road kind of advice.”
Renowned professors have written to me saying things like: “I wish this book had been available 10 years ago.”; “As of now I have added this book to the reading list for my students.” One even said: “This is not just a great manual on leadership but on life in general”.
Most of them just referred to it as “The Leadership Manual.”
So like I said, this book isn’t ‘just’ about leadership. Here’s a fraction of what you’re getting…
- 8 premium leadership qualities that help you make a name for yourself… no matter who you are or what your background is: black, white, religious, atheist, rich or poor, none of this matters. What does matter is that you have the right key to open certain doors. I give countless examples of people from all walks of life and from different cultures to show that you can do it as well. Read pages 71 – 167 to learn what qualities you need to master and how you can become one of the top 0.1% of leaders who are remembered forever.
- Can you really make your breakthrough by applying just one quality? Even if you’ve failed your whole life? Read pages 119- 127 to get your answer.
- “I’m busy” is what almost everybody says these days. Read pages 64-70 and learn why and, more importantly, what you can do to stop feeling busy all the time.
- What is the one quality that everyone needs to master in today’s spontaneous rapidly changing snap-chat world? Read pages 109-117 to find out why and how you can implement the algorithm of making fast calls.
- The attitude that helped the likes of Albert Einstein, Mahatma Gandhi, Steve Jobs, and Bill Gates write history. Read pages 45-47 to find out.
- Do you want to know what risks are worth taking? Read pages 53-58.
- Do you know the principle that defines how you make your next move? Read pages 7-11 to find out how the greatest leaders on earth position their inner GPS.
- Read pages 187-194 to find out why confidence is the pre-requisite for leadership.
- How do you know you’re doing what you love to do? Howcan you find your passion? Read pages 85-96 to find out.
- Not many managers succeed in real delegation and the majority struggle to put the right processes in place and end up busier than ever. Read the algorithm of delegation in pages 181-187.
- We all want to rapidly grow our businesses. What are the secrets of multibillion companies that started in a basement 10 years ago? Read pages 197-249.
- Why do many companies spend a fortune to attract top talents only to watch them walk away when they are about to pay off? Read pages 211-228 to find how to avoid this.
- What are the most important questions you have to ask your future colleagues? Why are many recruitment questions irrelevant? Read pages 211-228.
- What do highly effective team members have in common? Read pages 143-149 and 197-208.
- There’s a proven strategy to get prospective employees to really want to work for you. Forget the usual “recruitment stuff” This simple approach works much better and makes you look like an authority. Pages 212- 228
- You need to act like a magnet attracting management trainees picked from the most reputable universities to be ahead of the competition, right? Wrong! The ‘usual stuff’ everybody does when it comes to attracting real talent, is a waste of time, energy, and money. The Bluetooth generation cares about different things. Here’s a different approach that’s faster, simpler to implement, and quite frankly better with a lasting effect. Pages 224-228.
- Don’t be like many leaders who attract their top talent with flashy onboarding announcements in the media, only to hire attorneys to get rid of their talents shortly afterwards. Pages 201 – 210
- If you knew why an unusual number of billionaires are college dropouts, you’d get a sense of what really matters when it comes to onboarding new employees. Pages 213-223.
- Find out why great leaders don’t tell their bright people what to do and how to do it. Pages 241-245
- The truth about highly effective teams and how you can build them. Pages 143-154
You’re right …these battle-tested strategies and algorithms are in fact all you need to make it to your next level, but they are really just the tip of the iceberg.
There’s more because you’re also getting …
Specifically Designed For People Who Want it So Badly, but…
Listen. If you don’t like making tough decisions or calls, you’re not alone. Most of us would literally prefer to do some heavy manual work than take that tough decision.
That’s why I’ve learned how smart industry leaders make their toughest decisions in a fraction of a second. They know even before they are halfway through listening to a proposition if it is going to be a yes or no. And guess what, they say NO in over 80% of cases. That’s why they’re so ridiculously successful. I spent 5000 hours penning First-Class Leadership to develop the simplest and yet most effective algorithms for leaders. All you need to do is follow the manual.
When you apply the tools and techniques described in this book, two things will happen.
First, you’ll be of genuine inspiration to everyone you associate with. They’ll come away from the experience viewing you as a trusted friend and a wise leader…irrespective of whether they work for or with you.
This is really important for you as a leader because it sets you up for a long-term relationship with them in which they’re significantly more likely to become a good customer or a loyal employee who will stand by you even when things get tough.
The next thing you’ll notice is this:
You’ll Know How To Make it to Your Ultimate Peak!
And you’ll do it without exerting any pressure, without having to persuade people, and without having to talk about yourself or your services much! You’ll be a role model for your employees. You will be the culture you want to create. That’s all your followers need.
That’s because of the way the algorithms work.
I’ve penned this book using a combination of two decades of work experience with senior leaders, advanced NLP strategies, real life personal coaching with leaders and simplifying the timeless models that have been used by greatest leaders on earth.
Yes, you heard that right. You won’t be the first ever leader to enter the unknown by following a step-by-step manual on how to be the best leader.
Here’s What To Do Next
The ‘cost’ of this book is $5.60 and it can be downloaded immediately.
As soon as you place your order, you will be sent an automated receipt by e-mail which contains a download link.
Oh, and in case you’re wondering …
I realize this is not a lot of money …so you might be wondering if there’s a ‘catch’.
I am aware that there are some websites out there that offer you a great deal on something but then charge your card every month because you have joined some sort of program.
This isn’t one of them.
There’s NO hidden ‘continuity program’.
I’m literally giving you this entire book for just $5.60!
My hope is that you’ll love it and this will be the start of a good business relationship for years to come.
But with all that said, there is ONE thing you need to keep in mind:
Time Is Of The Essence
In most cases, I take a loss when selling the book at this price.
It costs me just over $21.00 in advertising expenses to sell one book.
So why would I do that?
Simple. I am making you this offer with the idea that you will be very impressed with what I am giving you today, and you will want to do more business with me in future.
My bet is that you will enjoy the book so much that you will sign up for additional classes or training sessions with me. Pretty straightforward.
Anyway – with all of that said, this is a limited offer.
You’re Also Getting An Advanced 90-Minute Training Session,
Free of Charge!
During this training session, I will walk you through the most important algorithms the greatest leaders on earth apply on a daily basis.
I will give you proof for any algorithm I discuss with you.
You will understand how ridiculously easy your life and business is going to be when you apply the algorithms.
I will even tell you exactly which algorithms helped me in my work with senior leaders and to get to where I am today.
And there is no charge for this. I want you to have this as my gift for checking out the book.
Oh. And in case you’re wondering …
Of course there’s a money-back guarantee.
In fact, I think it’s …
The Boldest Guarantee In The World
I give you a 100% guarantee that you will love this book and the new video training course. If you don’t, I will refund your $5.60, and let you keep the book as well as the video.
That’s right. You don’t have to send anything back. Just email me or call the number on your receipt and I’ll give you back your $5.60 with no questions asked.
How’s that for fair?
This Is Truly A Limited Offer So Claim Your Copy Now Before They’re All Gone
Thanks for taking the time to read this letter and I look forward to hearing from you soon!
Hamid Safaei
P.S. In case you’re one of those people (like me) who just skips to the end of the letter, here’s the deal:
I’m offering you a 289-page leadership book that tells you all you need to know about leadership and how to reach your ultimate peak for just $ 5.60.
What’s important about this book is that it is not like any other leadership book. In fact it is the opposite of the majority of leadership books out there.
On top of that, I’m also giving you a 90-minute online training session, free of charge, which shows you exactly how the most important leadership algorithms work.
This is a very limited offer because, this is a marketing test.
There is no ‘catch’ to this offer. You will not be signing up for a ‘trial’ to some monthly program or anything like that.
In fact, if you don’t like the book, let me know and I’ll refund the $5.60. You don’t even need to return the book.
Click here and claim your copy now. You won’t regret it.
DISCLAIMER: Please understand that my results are not typical. I’m not implying you will replicate them (or anything of the sort). The average person who buys any ‘how to’ information gets little or no results. I’m using these references for illustration purposes only.
Your results will vary and depend on many factors …including but not limited to your mastery of leadership qualities, principles, and attitudes. It is impossible to grow to the next level overnight. All business entails certain risks as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you’re not willing to accept this, please DO NOT GET THIS BOOK.